Lifestyle newborn sessions provide a way for you to look back on this fleeting season of your life and remember the goodness and beauty it holds. It’s a way to relive the snuggles, see the little baby rolls, and remember just how small and cute their toes were. Shooting these sessions in-home provides a comfort and ease for everyone - no need to pack a suitcase for baby’s first outing and outfit changes are easy and plentiful. I love that these photos, in the setting of your home, are truly real life!

Does the idea of having a photographer in your home just weeks after giving birth stress you out? There are a few things you can do to prepare your home for photos but rest assured, it doesn’t involve deep cleaning, organizing, and redecorating the entire house while you navigate having a newborn!


One: De-clutter!

This just means to have the extra burp cloths, toys, books, knick-knacks put away. Having a tidy backdrop of your home will ensure that you are the focus and nothing is distracting in the frame. Don’t have time to truly de-clutter? put everything in a couple laundry baskets and shove it in a closet!

Two: Pick your wardrobe… and have back ups!

Think light colors - white, pastels, greys, creams. Flowy dresses photograph beautifully but if you are most comfortable in jeans or leggings and a tee, go for that! You might see suspenders for your boy or a dress for your girl, but they can get in the way - try a simple onesie or jumper and have a few muslin swaddles!

girl mamas - make sure bows fit before the session so you can purchase a different one if it is too big!

After you pick your first outfits, plan a backup for everyone involved! Unexpected blow out and spit ups happen often.

Three: Fill up those bellies

start feeding baby about 20 minutes before I arrive and make sure diapers are clean. Babies rule the session timelines so if we need to stop for a feeding mid-session I understand! Getting a feed in before I arrive ensures we will have a good and happy start!

Four: Natural light

Turn off overhead lighting and lamps and open those curtains wide! It might feel dark but I can do alot with my camera.